Friday, December 11, 2009

Murder in Pleasant Grove

Murder  in  Pleasant Grove         


J. Russell Rose

A Review

                Pleasant Grove is a soulless community with nothing pleasant about it unless the reader loves being a cardboard character living in a cardboard community. Yet in such a community nothing is expected to happen; especially not a gruesome murder.  Although, Bob and Mary Jo Bradley are introduced in the first short chapter this is not their story.  Bob Bradley, the husband of the murdered woman is not a likeable character even though he eventually tries to redeem himself.

The story really starts with the second chapter where the author begins  the riveting story of Ryder Haynes, a homeless drifter.  Mr. Rose’s skillful character development immediately gains the reader’s love and sympathy for Ryder Haynes and then it is difficult but imperative that the reader turn the page; albeit with trepidation. “What if some new evidence turns up or what if the police miss some clue?” is the reader’s dread since this is a tale of murder. 

                Whether by design or not Rose has skillfully maneuvered his story in such a way as to create a loveable main character who is also suspect in the murder of a young mother in Pleasant Grove.  As the tale unfolds the mother becomes secondary or an added attraction; she could have been ninety and without a name and the tale would still have been riveting.  The true mystery is the circumstances that link Ryder Haynes to the murder.  The bungling of the local police and the unstressed but evident political machinations make the tale more believable and interesting. 

                A less talented writer could not have sustained the tension and the puzzlement in the manner portrayed by J. Russell Rose.  If you haven’t read Murder in Pleasant Grove it would be worth your time to pick up a copy especially if you like a good mystery.  Also if you like loose ends tied up the conclusion in this book more than justifies the adage that “good prevails over evil.”    

Murder in Pleasant Grove is available by contacting the author direct -, or at Lulu Press -

Review By: Adda Leah Davis, Author of Lucinda’s Mountain, Jason’s Journey, and soon to be released third book of the trilogy – The Beckoning Hills.  Davis’ website:

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